Kampo Certification Series 2016-2018

New Mexico Kampo
Clinical Training Series 2016-2018

Module 1: March 11-14, 2016
Module 2: September 9-12, 2016
Module 3: January 6-9, 2017
Module 4: May 5-8, 2017
Module 5: September 8-11, 2017
Module 6: January 5-8, 2018

30 NCCAOM PDA’s and 30 Texas CAE’s Provided for Each Module
30 Continuing education credits for each module pending with California

Program Description
The program will transmit the diagnostic and treatment skills necessary for the practice of Kampo (Sino-Japanese Herbal Medicine) in a clinical setting. The outcome of this training will allow the participant to confidently recognize the clinical presentations or evidence (SHO), including both constitutional (TAISHITSU) and disease (BYO) patterns that conform with approximately 75 – 100 classical formulas along with their corresponding prescription protocols and methods of follow-up, evaluation and modification / change.

The program will consist of six 4 day weekend intensive modules. (Friday through Monday from 9am-6pm). Each module will involve instruction in Theory, Formulas, Treatment and Clinical practice. There will be quizzes, take home work and a comprehensive final exam for completion of the course.

All workshop days will begin at 9:00 am and end at 6:00pm

Module 1: March 11-14, 2016
Module 2: September 9-12, 2016
Module 3: January, 2017 (exact dates TBA)
Module 4: May, 2017 (exact dates TBA)
Module 5: October, 2017 (exact dates TBA)
Module 6: TBA

$6000.00 due by February 12, 2016 to reserve your space in the workshop. You may choose to pay in installments according to the 3 Payment Plan option below:

Down Payment:
$1500.00 due by February 12, 2016 This payment reserves your space in the workshop. Without it we cannot hold a space for you.
2nd Payment: $2250.00 due by June 1, 2016
3rd Payment:
$2250.00 due by February 1, 2017 

Class size will be limited to 15 students. Remember that the first payment must be received by March 1, 2016 in order to hold your place in the course.

Who you will study with:
Nigel Dawes, MA (Cantab.), L.Ac., is a NY state licensed acupuncturist, Kampo herbalist & Shiatsu practitioner trained in Japan and China and practicing since 1987. Former Dean of both the London College of Shiatsu and NY College of Holistic Medicine – he is currently senior faculty at Tristate College of Acupuncture and Pacific College, NYC. Nigel teaches and lectures regularly throughout the US, Europe, Israel and Australia. He has numerous peer-reviewed journal publications and is the author of 3 books, the most recent: Kampo: A Clinical Guide to Theory and Practice, Churchill Livingstone, 2010. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife Orna Guralnik, PhD, a psychoanalyst, and his 2 children Ruby & Jasper.

• For cancellations made on or before 2/12/16 – Full Refund
• For cancellations made 2/12/16 – 2/26/16 – 75% Refund
• For cancellations made after 2/26/16 – No Refund