Japanese Traditional Acupuncture: Contact Needling and Teishin 2015

Japanese Traditional Acupuncture: Contact Needling and Teishin 2015

June 6-7th and 8th, 2015
Instructor: Dr. Bear (Anryu Iwashina) of Morioka City, Iwate Japan

Credits: NCCAOM and CA Credits – 15 continuing education credits for June 6-7 and an additional 7.5 credits for June 8th
Texas CAE’s – up to 8 hours from this course are applicable toward license renewal. 

In this seminar you will learn the art of Contact Needling and other Non-Insertive Needle Techniques.  Dr. Bear will share the depth and breadth of his decades of experience working entirely non-insertively in his clinic. The many tools of non-insertive Japanese acupuncture techniques will be introduced including the Teishin (one of the “Nine Needles” described in the Ling Shu).

A message from Dr. Bear himself:
My acupuncture technique
“The difference in my acupuncture technique from others is that I use non-insertion technique. I do not insert needles at all, and I only contact my needles during my treatment.
It’s sololy contacting needles, yet it is a superb technique. This is not only pain-free for patients, but also produce better results than inserting needles.
I started to treat patients back in 1977, and I have 38 years of clinical experience. It was around 1985 when I discovered the contact needling technique. I became assured very quickly that the contact needling technique was superb as I studied it with my colleagues.
Since then, I have done countless studies and practiced for 30 years, and taught seminars in U.S., and I have come to believe deeply that the contact needling is very outstanding technique. It will be the first time meeting you all, so I am planning the curriculum to mainly show and teach you how it is done with contact needling technique.
I am sure you all would like to take home something from my seminar that you could actually apply in your clinic, so I would also like to introduce some acupuncture points for pain management, which we often face in our clinical practice.
I would like to introduce some Japanese Traditional Acupuncture and Moxabustion theory. (Note: Japanese Traditional Acupuncture is not the same as Meridian Therapy.)
My name, ‘Dr. Bear’ may sound a bit strange. I have received this name from the American Indian because I have been practicing Japanese Traditional Acupuncture. Therefore, I decided to use the name ‘Dr. Bear’ when I come to US to teach, and everyone call me by this name. My seminar is very lively.  Everyone laugh a lot, and I love hearing people’s laughs. I may disappoint people who prefer a quiet seminar. I always end up having a fun seminar, and I am planning the same for the seminar in Santa Fe, also.
This would be the third time for me to visit Santa Fe and Albuquerque. Last time I was in town, I had wished to come back again to teach in such a beautiful town, so I am happy that it came true. I look forward meeting you all.”

All days start at 9:00 am and end at 5:30 pm

June 6th & 7th – Contact Needling and Teishin treatment techniques and approaches. Open to Students and Professionals
June 8th – Advanced study of Contact Needling and Teishin Limited to licensed professionals
NOTE: You must attend June 6th and 7th in order to attend this Advanced Study workshop day.

Registration Rates
Early Bird Discount: $50 off of the regular registration rates below if paid in full by April 1, 2015.
Regular Registration Rates and Options:
Professionals: $350 – Saturday and Sunday – June 6th & 7th $500 – Saturday, Sunday and Monday – June 6th, 7th & 8th
Students: $275 – Saturday and Sunday – June 6th & 7th

*Registration is not complete unless payment has been received by the office on time.

Who you will study with:
‘Dr. Bear’, Anryu Iwashina,
is a visually-impaired acupuncturist known for his acuity with non-insertive needle techniques including contact needling and teishin (a non-insertive tool and ‘needling’ method from the classics).  In practice for over 35 years in northern Japan, Dr. Bear draws from his experiences with Fukushima Kodo of the Toyohari Association and other teachers for innovative applications rooted in the Huang di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Classic) and the Nan Jing (Classic of Difficult Questions).  Over the last 3 decades, Dr. Bear has refined the art of non-insertive needling techniques to effectively treats complex conditions sensitively, with emphasis on palpation and perceptively understanding and applying the classics in practice.

Cancellation Policy:
• For cancellations made on or before May 1, 2015 – Full Refund
• For cancellations made May 2 – May 22, 2015 – 75% refund
• For cancellations made after May 23, 2015 – No Refund